Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Tribute to Loyal Customers

Why do people complain when something good becomes popular?

Allow me to put things in perspective for you.

Let's say I own my own cafe. Someone who comes in all the time tells me one day, "I love this place. That's why I don't want anyone else to know about it. I want to be able to come here forever without crowds of people to bother me. Unfortunately, that means that you'll have to struggle to pay for your bills, rent, supplies, employees, and you'll never have the life you probably wanted when you decided to open your own business. You'll be completely unsuccessful and have to work a second job just to pay for the first one, but at least you'll have assholes like me around all the time to kill your dreams. Anyways, I'll take my usual- the cheapest thing on the menu."