Friday, April 2, 2010

Tastes Like Purple

Ladies and gentlemen, our minds are being controlled. This has been happening since our birth and i can prove it.

I'm not talking about Glen Beck conservative talk shows. I'm not talking about subliminal advertising. I'm talking about grape soda.

Now we probably all take a drink of grape soda and after giving an overly dramatic, "Ahhhhh, that's the shit," we think, "Mmmmm. Grape."

But honestly, can you ever remember tasting a grape and saying, "Mmmmm. Grape soda"?
We say grape soda tastes like grape because we associate that flavor with every flavor that's ever been in anything that we're told tastest like grape. Did that last sentence confuse the bujesus out of you? Me too, but I rewrote it several times and that was the best one.

Grape soda isn't the only culprit. Anything orange, strawberry, watermelon, blueberry, etc. all have this effect. Now I know you're sitting there trying to defend this idea. "But it TOTALLY tastes like... wait, let me look at what the package is telling me to believe... kiwi seeweed!" And in response I say, "That's because we've been taught to believe that flavor is kiwi seeweed ever since we were old enough to read Snapple labels."

These may be my last words I write. The CIA just burst through my door... must... tell world... don't believe... shot... in face... can't... type at normal pace... tell my wife... out of milk...

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