Friday, May 21, 2010

There can be only one...

Sitting in my backyard and looking at all the wildlife (i.e. bees, a stray cat, and a dead beetle), I began thinking how truly strange it is that no other animal has learned to have a conversation with humans. Who wouldn’t like to sit down and discuss independent cinema with a caterpillar?

I was reading an article this morning about the discovery of a new type of human that appeared 2 million years ago called Homo gautengensis. What I find interesting is that scientists have been looking for a missing link for so long, but what they are finding more and more evidence of is a series of different kinds of humans that coexisted in history a few million years ago. These aren’t just different races but completely different variations of humans.

Once I began thinking about how interesting it would be to live among other types of humans, I eventually began to feel even more lonesome. The drawback to survival of the fittest is that in the end there can be only one… kind of like Highlander… or Mortal Kombat.

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