Sunday, June 27, 2010

Survivor: Oakland

I don't know about you, but reality television shows seem to lose their novelty after one or two seasons.

Or one or two episodes if you've ever seen Jersey Shore.

Survivor, for example, was first described to me as Gilligan's Island meets Lord of the Flies. So imagine my surprise when I sat down with my bucket of popcorn and giant #1 foam finger and didn't see any of the carnage I was expecting. Basically, I watched The Real World in a jungle.

I think a change in the show's dynamics are past due. Here are a few suggestions to make the show more interesting:

1. Introduce a flesh eating virus to the cast.
2. Drop the cast off in the middle of Detroit.
3. Cast a zombie in the show without telling any of the others.
4. Give a fork and knife to the winner of contests instead of a hamburger and a thirty second head start to the losers.

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