Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Turkey VS Tofurker: The Epic Battle Continues

I'm not going to sugar-coat it. I find myself thoroughly annoyed by vegans.

Vegetarians, however, are cool with me. When I come across a gang of vegetarians I say, "Hey guys, let me get you some comfortable seats to sit on so we can play some Wii bowling. Can I get you a hot dog? I'm just kidding. Aaaahhhh you guys are great."

But I can smell a vegan from one hundred feet away. Actually, most people can smell a vegan from five hundred feet away. They the hygeine practice of yaks.

They... even when I refer to them as a pronoun I shiver.

Anyone who goes out of their way to avoid anything that has to do with animals is bound for hypocricy. Animals have to do with too many aspects of our lives. The argument of most vegans I meet is that they "want animals to be freed from slavery, man!"

But what vegans don't know is that they're enslaving animals everyday. DEAD ANIMALS. Come on vegans! Don't pretend like you don't know!

I'm talking about fossil fuels.

And don't EVEN get me started on bacteria.

... I'm sorry... I'm just... I'm just too upset to write anymore today...

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