Saturday, May 19, 2012

What a Gay Issue

At this point in time, I don't know if I really need to throw my two cents in about the gay marriage issue.

Those of you that know me well (or read my blogs - in which case you know me well) already know how I feel about gay marriage, and I'm glad that in the year 2012 we have a president who isn't afraid to stand up for equal rights.

But I'm also not going to get on the hate wagon. In the end, that's what this all comes down to - people hating people.

And if there's one thing that upsets me, it's when loud, ignorant, hate-filled people have a chance to be educated but are met with other loud, ignorant, hate-filled people delivering hatred right back. People aren't going to listen to common sense and understanding if it's being screamed in their faces.

I'm not a religious man by any means, but if gay rights is going to come down to what the Bible tells us to do then let's do what the Bible tells us to do. Proverbs 10:12 may be a good place to start. "Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers all sins."

If you ask me, it's much easier to love other people than to go around hating anyone who doesn't share the same beliefs as you. And that's why I'm pushing the U.S. government to remove fluoride from our water supply immediately and replace it with Ecstacy and gummy bears.

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