Monday, April 9, 2007

So you've decided to commit a hate crime.

It occurred to me recently that deeming someone "Emo" is apparently the biggest joke of 2006.

This was after, a) getting an email that it was national kick-an-emo-kid's-ass day in april, b) the word 'emo' became the eleventh most popular word in the subject of my incoming emails, and c) i attended an emo-themed party in which no one actually listened to nor played any emo music.
I think the reason for this is that we always need a group to make fun of. World peace will simply never break out because there's always going to be a bunch of twits in high school doing something no one else likes or understands. And those kids always retaliate. I give to you the history of laughed-at high school groups.

60 bc: Small group of Roman high school kids made fun of for their new cutting edge, closely cropped hair style, popularized by their friend Julius
49 bc: Julius Caesar becomes emperor, sets new political standards on hair cuts. Has high school friends positioned in senate. Kills thousands.

17 ad: Jesus walks on water in a failed attempt to 'cannon ball' into the lap pool. Is made fun of by peers, disappears to India for ten years.
313 ad: Chicks dig Christianity. Becomes official religion of Rome, followed by hundreds of years of merciless killings.

Early 14th Century: Members of 'rat club' at Rome Valley High persecuted for obvious reasons.
Mid 14th Century: 'Black Death' spreads across Europe. Kills Millions.

1935: 'Conspiracy Club' at Boston High takes numerous made-fun-of-ings.
1963: Kennedy assassinated.

Early 21st Century: Kids who listen to 'Emo' made fun of for their sad eyeliner, androgynous haircuts, and avoidance of eye contact with anyone.
Mid 21st Century: Legions of 50-ft eye-lined robots destroy Earth. Billions left homeless.

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